Veteran Service Officer
Dennis Bucy
812-829-5159 fax
86 E Market
Spencer, IN 47460
M-F 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
The Veteran Service officer (VSO) is located at the southeast corner in the Armory Building.
Walk-ins are welcome during office hours or you may call or E-mail this office with your questions. You will be called back with an answer the next business day. If you have computer access you may get information on Federal Benefits for Veterans Dependents and Survivors.
VA Forms, website is located at http://www.form.gov/bgfPortal/citizen.portal this site has every form you will need to file a claim.
Veteran Transportation Coordinator
Melanie Harper
VTC phone number 812-829-5027
The Veterans Transportation Coordinator (VTC) can provide free transportation to Roudebush VA Medical Center and all VA Clinics please call as soon as you get your appointment from the VA. The VTC requires at least three (3) days’ notice to ensure we have a driver available. When using transportation you will be asked to arrive at the Armory two (2) hours prior to Roudebush VA Medical Center appointment and one (1) hour prior for all VA Clinic appointments. If more than one (1) Veteran is using transportation we leave to make first Veterans appointment time and come back after the last appointment is over.
If you wish to become enrolled in the VA System you will need to bring in a copy of your DD214 and a valid photo ID and we will schedule you for a ride to the VA to be enrolled.
Pension and Compensation online Application can be found at: